It is considerably known that one third of infertility cases, there has been a problem with the sperm and there may be too few or the motility could be impaired , and the sperm may be abnormal or there could be no sperm at all. Some cases, where the use of the partner’s sperm carries risks of inheritable conditions and there is a decision to be made by the couple to use sperm donation.
There are two treatments involved on using donor sperm:
- The first one is donor insemination(DI) which can be
used in cases where there is only male factor infertility
- The second approach is IVF with the donor sperm, which is used when there are other fertility factors, e.g. the woman has blocked fallopian tubes.
Same sex couples and single women
There are couples either of the same sex or single women who wish to have a baby for a number of years . Our team does have a strong reputation for caring and supporting to the patient’s needs.
Donor selection
Our Clinic does manage a successful Donor sperm Programme for many years and every effort is made to match the physical characteristics and the blood group of the patients partner where it is necessary. All donors are carefully selected and fully screened meticulously and registered
Donors, do need to comply with the following criteria:
- To be in good health
- Have good sperm count
- Between the age of 18-40 yrs
- No personal or family history of sexually transmitted diseases
- No current infection of STD
- Counselling
Counselling is provided to all patients wishing to embark on the programme.