Medeguru, In the year has launched a Doctor’s directory Mobile app, which helps the Mobile users to find the doctors near their location. Presently the Medeguru directory have more than 8500 verified doctors. Using this app users can search and access the details of list of doctors from India. The users have the option to search based on location and the specialty of the doctor.
How to install the Medeguru Doctors Directory Mobile App :
1. Click on “Google Play Store” app in your mobile
2. Search for “Doctors Directory - Medeguru” or “Medeguru”. The app will appear in the list of results
3. Install the Medeguru App. When the app opens up, you can search for doctors at your location by specifying the specialty of the doctor and the location. Select your preferences and search.
4. Click here to install :
The app will be soon updated with additional features.