Vajikarana Therapy
The inability of a male to get or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual needs or needs of his partner is called as erectile dysfunction. It is also known as impotence and it is common among middle aged men. Hypertension, alcohol, substance abuse, diabetes, depression or spinal cord injury are various factors that may initiate erectile erectile dysfunction.
Causes of Erectile dysfunction
- Reduced or excessive flow to or from the penis
- Diabetes
- Hormonal causes
- Alcohol and drug abuse
- Side effect of certain medicines
- A disease which affects the nerves going to the penis
Ayurveda offers multiple treatments for erectile dysfunction. According to Ayurveda the main cause of erectile dysfunction is said to be the annihilations of the doshas. A number of natural remedies are mentioned in Ayurveda to treat impotence. Akarakarabhadi Yoga is a natural Ayurvedic preparation which contains ten herbs which is extensively used to treat premature ejaculation. The natural treatment for male impotency is called as Vajikarana therapy.
Vaajikarana Therapy leads to:
- Good strength
- Happiness
- Increased span of erection
- Potency to produce offspring
Ayurvedic treatments for Erectile dysfunction:
- Regular exercise
- Practice Yoga and meditation regularly Yoga centers
- Avoid hot, spicy and bitter foods.
- Abstain from alcohol
- Sleep at least for 8 hours a day
- Take a gap of four days between two consecutive intercourses
- Don’t work for long hours
- Use herbal preparations to rejuvenate the reproductive organs
- Avoid smoking habits
- Favor sweets, milk products, nuts and urad dal.