Ayurveda recommends certain herbal medicines such as Shudh Kuchla, Ashwangandha, Guggulu, Eranda, Shiajit, Boswelia and Haldi for treating disorders associated with the vertebral column. A regular practice of specific Yoga Asanas are also very effective for treating these disorders.Ayurvedic treatments for some of the conditions are given below
- Intervertebral prolapse
- Cervical spondylosis
- Lumbar spondylitis
What is Intervertebral prolapse?
Intervertebral prolapse is a spinal problem in which that occasionally produces symptoms such back pain, neck pain, numbness, tingling and muscle weakness in the extremities. The condition is also referred as ruptured disks, herniated disc or a slipped disc.In order to understand what Intevertebral prolapse, you need to learn a brief about the functioning of the spinal anatomy. The spinal cord consists of 26 separate bones called as vertebrae. These bones are arranged in a way to provide protection for the spinal cord and its nerve roots. The vertebrae is also structured in a such a way to support body movements such as bending, twisting and flexing. The discs work as shock absorbers for the spine, permitting it to flex, bow, and twist. The discs allow vertebral column to be flexible and work as schock absorbers during the activaties. The discs are usually soft and spongy, but if they are weakened , they can prolapse.
Intevertebral prolapse usually occurs in later stages whereas prolapse disc takes place in a comparatively early stage. The disc becomes thinner or weaker due to injury or age as a result discs begin to protrude beyond its ordinary position between the vertebrae. Intevertebral prolapse may ultimately result in full hemiation or tearing of the disc and ejection of nucleus material.
What are the major symptoms Intervertebral prolapse?
- Acute pain in the thighs, knees or foot
- Muscular weakness, paralysis and numbness
- Pain with rotation, flexion, or prolonged standing or sitting
- Pain localised to the lower back and gluteral area
- Sudden pain or gradual onset after injury
What are the ayurvedic treatment for Intervertebral prolapse?
According to Ayurveda slip disc is caused by vitiation of Vata dosha, which is responsible for maintaining the movement and functionality of the body. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on bringing back the aggravated vata to the state of equlibruium and maintains the healthy condition of the body.Ayurvedic treatment consists of therapies like Nasyam, Abyanga swedam, Choornapinda swedam, Pahropotala Swedam, Shirodhara, Kadeevasthy, Greevavasthy, Navarakizhi and Vasti. These therapies help in relieving the inflammatory changes, releasing the spasms and nerve compression sin the affected area. Generally the treatment continues for 4 to 5 weeks according to severity the disease.
What is Cervical spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is the degeneration or deformity of the vertebrae and disc in the neck. Degeneration is usually caused by the effects of aging on your spine and specifically for your invertebrate disc.The disease affects majority of the people above the age of 50.In serious cases the degeneration may cause on the spinal cord and it may adversely affect your arms and legs.Everyday wear and tear may start these problems.People who are very active in sports -may put more stress on their necks and it may lead to the disease. Poor posture also increase the chances developing spinal changes that result in cervical spondylosis.
What are the symptoms of Cervical spondylosis?
- Pain in the neck
- stiffness in the neck
- Persistent headaches
- Clumsiness
- Grinding noise when neck is turned
- Problmes with the bladder and bowel
- Problems in walking
What are the ayurvedic treatments for Cervical spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is known as Griva Sandhigata Vata in Ayurveda.Ayrvedic treatment for this disease usually involves three methods,Shodhanam (elimination), and shamanam (pacification) and Rasayanam (rejuvenation). Ayurvedic physicians prescribe a compound preparation called simhanada Guggulu for treating this condition. Normally hot milk or hot water is given to the patient after administration of Guggulu. This ayurvedic medicine possesses laxative effects. For healing this disease, it is necessary that bowel should move clearly and regularly. This ayuvedic medicine is useful for this purpose.The patient should strictly avoid curd, fried things, pullses and various preparations of pulses. Increase the quantity of bitter vegetables like bitter variety of drumstick, neem flowers and bitter gourd in the diet. The patient should say also avoid refined wheat as it contribute to constipation problems.
What is Lumbar spondylitis?
Lumbar spondylitis can be defined as a condition which there is an inflammation of lumbar (lower vertebral) region of the spinal cord. The condition is popularly called as backache. The inflammation caused can be mild to severe leading to range of severity of symptoms. Apart from inflammation in the spinal cord, there is some amount of fusing, which gives painful stiffness. The condition is accompanied by bone growth and bone spurs.Different symptoms of pain can be induced by lumbar spondylitis. The mobility of your back may be adversely affected and may disturb your day to day activities. Lumbar spondylitis can end up in the deformity of the spine.
What are the symptoms of Symptoms Lumbar spondylitis?
- Morning stiffness
- Pain and stiffness in the lower back
- Constipation
- Bladder problem
- Muscle spasms
- Tingling feeling
- Pain radiates to back of thigh and buttocks
- Numbness of limbs
- Headache
What are the Ayurvedic treatment for Lumbar Spondylitis?
In Ayurveda lumbar spondylitis is called Teevar Prishta Shoola. Lumbar region is referred as vata site and at same jont site are regarded as slekshaak sleshma (kapha).Ayurvedic treatment aims to reduce the dyryness and retain the sneha guna. The treatment focusses to reduce the dryness and retain sneha guna by rehydrating the disc and removing osteophytes called as mala roopa kapha. The treatment for this disease usually involves three methods. Vataharam and Kaphaharam in the initial stages and brmhanam in the later stages.
Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc include Abhyangam (a body massage with special medical oils), Nadi Swedaam ( herbal steam bath), Patrapotala Sweda ( massage with medicated leaves ), pizhichil (Oleation and sudation), Kati Vasthi and Greeva Vasthi ( A therapy done to reduce spinal compression), vasthi( medicated enema) and Virechanam.