Liver Disorders


Without your liver, you will be a toxic waste laundry basket. Believe it or not, the liver is an outstanding organ does over 400 different jobs at a time. Unlike the other vital organs in the body such as heart, digestive tract and lungs, which do the same job over and over- the liver is an incredible organ of diversity, a circus acrobat who performs different events at the same time.

This diversity of functions is vital to the body’s survival and it explains why liver is considered as such an important organ of the body.

Liver control your weight and cholesterol levels in the body. In addition to this, the most important function carried out by the liver is the disposal of body wastes and process thousands of unatural body chemicals that we are exposed to. Liver also regulates sex, thyroid and stress hormones in the body.

Ayurvedic view

In Ayurveda liver is chiefly governed by Pitta dosha in the body. Pitta problems related to skin inflammation is the result of liver imbalance. Classic Ayurvedic texts also describe liver as composition of Five Bhuta Agnis- five digestive fires that are related to the five elements of earth (prithivi), fire (tejas), water (apu), air (vayu) and space (akasha). These five elements are specialised in digesting that particular element in the food.

Our modern lifestyle and choices we make put a great pressure on the liver and cause several health problems including allergies, migraine, obesity and indigetion. It is important to support your liver health in every way you can.

How to keep your liver healthy?

To maintain a healthy liver, one must strictly avoid toxins in your food. Always maintain a healthy diet which consists of organic and freshly cooked foods. Strictly avoid foods that are laced with preservatives and chemicals which may force your liver to work overtime to filter out the toxins.

Reduce alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption is identified as the main reason for liver damage and certain conditions such as cirrhosis. It is specifically important for people with pitta constitution. Quit cigarette smoking and avoid exposure to air pollution. Drink a lot of water at regular intervals it will help to flush out the toxins.

In order to prevent liver imbalance it is necessary to keep pitta dosha in balance. A pitta pacifying diet should be followed in the summer, favouring cooling foods with as bitter, sweet and astringent tastes such as juices, sweetened milk products, summer squashes and grains.Stay away from sour and fermented foods such as chilies, heavily oiled food,vinegar and salty food.

People with higher pitta in the basic constitution would be benefited from following the specified diet. Waking up with a steward apple or pear will help to set the metabolism and cleanse the liver. Simply eating a fresh, juicy pear ever day can go a long to soothing pitt


Without your liver, you will be a toxic waste laundry basket. Believe it or not, the liver is an outstanding organ does over 400 different jobs at a time. Unlike the other vital organs in the body such as heart, digestive tract and lungs, which do the same job over and over- the liver is an incredible organ of diversity, a circus acrobat who performs different events at the same time.

This diversity of functions is vital to the body’s survival and it explains why liver is considered as such an important organ of the body.

Liver control your weight and cholesterol levels in the body. In addition to this, the most important function carried out by the liver is the disposal of body wastes and process thousands of unatural body chemicals that we are exposed to. Liver also regulates sex, thyroid and stress hormones in the body.

Ayurvedic view

In Ayurveda liver is chiefly governed by Pitta dosha in the body. Pitta problems related to skin inflammation is the result of liver imbalance. Classic Ayurvedic texts also describe liver as composition of Five Bhuta Agnis- five digestive fires that are related to the five elements of earth (prithivi), fire (tejas), water (apu), air (vayu) and space (akasha). These five elements are specialised in digesting that particular element in the food.

Our modern lifestyle and choices we make put a great pressure on the liver and cause several health problems including allergies, migraine, obesity and indigetion. It is important to support your liver health in every way you can.

How to keep your liver healthy?

To maintain a healthy liver, one must strictly avoid toxins in your food. Always maintain a healthy diet which consists of organic and freshly cooked foods. Strictly avoid foods that are laced with preservatives and chemicals which may force your liver to work overtime to filter out the toxins.

Reduce alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol consumption is identified as the main reason for liver damage and certain conditions such as cirrhosis. It is specifically important for people with pitta constitution. Quit cigarette smoking and avoid exposure to air pollution. Drink a lot of water at regular intervals it will help to flush out the toxins.

In order to prevent liver imbalance it is necessary to keep pitta dosha in balance. A pitta pacifying diet should be followed in the summer, favouring cooling foods with as bitter, sweet and astringent tastes such as juices, sweetened milk products, summer squashes and grains.Stay away from sour and fermented foods such as chilies, heavily oiled food,vinegar and salty food.People with higher pitta a dosha and cleansing the liver.

According to Ayurveda liver is also the seat of our fierier pitta emotions. An increase of pitta may be indicated as irritability, anger and jealousy. Whereas, a balanced pitta dosha can instill confidence, courage, willpower and drive. Suppressing your emotions is possibly toxic as harmful chemicals and finding apt methods to express these emotions will support a positive functioning of the liver.

Ayurvedic herbs for the liver

Treatment of liver diseases through ayurveda has provided beneficial results. There are several ayurvedic remedies which are helpful detoxifcation of the liver and reduction of pitta. Bhumyamalaki is a herb which works well several liver disorders such as hepatitis B. Sharapunkha, punarnava, Guduchi and amalaki are other herbs that have found to work best to cure liver diseases..