Too trivial to be seen with the naked eye, a dust mite measures only about one-quarter to one-third of a millimeter. They can be seen as whitish bugs under a microscope. Mites are exactly not insects but arthropods, like spiders having eight rather than six.
Dust Mite Allergy
Household dust is not a lone material but quite a blend of many materials. Dust may hold tiny fibers shed from diverse fabric types, besides tiny feathers particles, pet dogs or cat dander, bacteria, food, plant, and mold and fungus spores. It also contains many microscopic mites and their waste products.
These waste products, not the mites themselves, are what cause allergic reactions. Dust mite waste comprises a protein that is an allergen—a substance that incites an allergic immune reaction for several people.
What can I Do?
Unless you live in Antarctica or in a very dry climate, there is possibly no practical way to entirely rid your home of dust mites. But you can take action to reduce their effects.
Having dust mites doesn’t mean that your house isn’t hygienic. In most areas of the world, these creatures are in every house, no matter how spotless. But it is true that keeping your home as dust free as likely can reduce dust mite allergy.
The most vital step is to rinse the sheets and blankets in hot water weekly.
Dust mites are perhaps impossible to avoid totally. Hitherto, they don’t have to make your life unhappy. There are many means you can change the setting inside your home to lessen the numbers of these undesirable invitees.
Your doctor is a key source in serving you to keep dust mite allergies under control. Talk to him or her about methods you can take, sources of more data and of allergy products, and whether immunizing shots may be correct for you. Together you can succeed against the house dust mite effects.