Other Allergies

Hay Fever

Mucus membranes inflammation in the nose is Rhinitis. Itchy nose, red eyes, watery discharge from the nose and/or eyes, a blocked nose and sneezing are the common symptoms allied with rhinitis.

Two types of allergic rhinitis are there: seasonal allergic rhinitis (also known as hay fever), and perennial allergic rhinitis.

Perennial Allergic Rhinitis

Perennial allergic rhinitis sufferers experience symptoms whole year round and it can be indeed mistaken for an ‘all-year cold’. Soon after allergen exposure, the symptoms can appear and are lot home allergens triggered such as those from molds, house dust mites and pets.

Additional symptoms can appear at later disease stages. Definite people can develop sinusitis, where the skull cavities adjacent to the cheek bones and eye brows become fluid filled (they are usually air filled), leading to pain and discomfort and rarely infection.

As a sinusitis complication of young children can be at risk of developing glue ear as the tubes linking the throat and ears are in close by contact and come to be blocked, leading to ear symptoms such as pain and brief hearing loss.

Quite common with rhinitis can be nose bleeds, for the nose lining is itchy and is every so often rubbed or scratched.

It is at all times value citing any of these symptoms to your doctor as precise diagnosis and treatment can aid to lessen problems.

Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (Hay fever)

Allergens from grasses, plants and trees cause Seasonal allergic rhinitis.

Though some sufferers react to one pollen type through the ‘season’, and then feel well later in the year, it is likewise likely to be sensitized to more than one of these allergens type, leading to a sustained rhinitis stint.

Certain sufferers even go continuously to experience year-round rhinitis.

Yet, there are treatments ranges for this condition and many sufferers find it very controllable.


The diagnosis is generally made by a symptom history and allergy testing. There is as well some further distinct nose examinations which may be performed, for example, a more detailed look at the nose such as an Endoscopy.


Treatment choices may comprise:

The Allergens Avoidance: Allergens avoidance that causes the problem is the best treatment.

Over-The-Counter Antihistamines: Antihistamines aid to decrease histamine release, probably reducing the symptoms of itching, sneezing, or runny nose. Some examples of antihistamines are diphenhydramine or hydroxyzine. These medications may cause sleepiness.

Non-sedating Prescription Antihistamines: Non-sedating antihistamines work like antihistamines nevertheless deprived of the drowsiness side effect. Consult your child’s doctor to conclude the right dosage for your child.

Anti-Inflammatory Nasal Sprays: Anti-inflammatory nasal sprays aid to reduce the nose swelling. Consult your child’s doctor to conclude the right dosage for your child.

Corticosteroid Nasal Sprays: Corticosteroid nasal sprays as well aid to decrease the nose. When used afore the symptom starts, corticosteroid nasal sprays works best, however is also used during a flare-up. Consult your child’s doctor to define the right dosage for your child.

Decongestants: Decongestants aid by making the blood vessels in the nose smaller, therefore, reducing congestion. Decongestants can be bought either over-the-counter or by prescription. Consult your child’s doctor to decide the right dosage for your child.

Anti-Leukotrienes: These are a quite new medication type being used to control the asthma symptoms. These medications aid to decrease the constricting of the lung and to cut the chance of fluid in the lungs. These are generally given by mouth.

Allergen Avoidance

Allergy tests can be handy in defining which allergens might be causing the rhinitis symptoms. For certain allergens, averting can be objectively direct e.g. to animals and other people’s pets (several families are unwilling to give away their own pets where these cause symptoms).

It is harder to evade pollens exposure, though some children may value from the subsequent schemes:

  • Stay indoors till after noon (if likely). This will lessen your exposure. Try to elude going out on breezy days or after storms.
  • To guard your eyes, wear sun glasses.
  • Keep windows shut both at home and mainly when in the car.
  • Shower when you reach home and bathe your eyes regularly.


Anti-histamines are perhaps the best known allergy medication type, and are freely obtainable from without a pharmacy prescription. Still, there are a number of diverse anti-histamines types, some have been used for several years, certain are old drugs enhancements, and new anti-histamines are being developed all the time.

Though anti-histamines used to have repute for making people drowsy, more modern anti-histamines only seldom have those side effects.

In an allergic reaction, the immune system discharges histamine which starts an allergy symptoms cascade effect. The histamine itself can lead to airways narrowing and blood vessels broadening (affecting swelling or edema), where into the surrounding tissue fluid leaks. The histamine effect in the tissues is also accountable for the itching that is related with many allergic reactions. Anti-histamines work by blocking the histamine action, and discontinue the entire symptoms cascade.

Anti-histamines are exceptionally harmless and are obtainable over the counter from pharmacists. A liquid or syrup form is generally prescribed for the allergies control in small children, though broadly for older children tablets are used. Nasal sprays and eye drops having anti-histamines are also accessible. During the hay fever season or when the rhinitis symptoms flare up, these are very valuable for relaxing irritated noses and eyes.

Nasal Sprays

Mostly in children over the age of six Nasal sprays are used, to carry anti-histamines and steroids to the nasal passages. Nasal anti-histamines aid with itching and sneezing symptoms while steroids are used to regulate the nasal lining inflammation and can aid relieve eye symptoms.

In overall, allergists do not recommend using decongestant nasal sprays as these can really worsen symptoms if used for more than a few days at a time.

By means of nasal sprays or drops steroids may be given. These can take some days to work but when they do, they are active at dropping the symptoms caused by airborne allergens and the allergic rhinitis effects. This medication is mostly useful if started before the allergens exposure.

How to use

Sprays should be used daily to keep symptoms at bay – no symptoms mean that the treatment is working and should be persistent.

Preparation is vital as the steroid spray requires reaching and staying in a specific nose part for the medication to be in effect. Used properly and regularly, these nose sprays can show operative for a lot of children.

Attempt to get your child to lean onwards so that the medication can be sprayed up the nose at an angle when running a nasal spray. The spray requires striking the nasal lining to be most effective.

Certain children get nose bleeds when they start using sprays. This is not initiated by the spray itself. Instead, it is as the inflammation caused by the allergic reactions they have been facing. Nasal sprays are pointing to cut this inflammation and progress your child’s health.

Eye Drops

Eye drops can be mainly beneficial if eye symptoms are one of the key symptoms of allergic rhinitis. For instance with nasal drops they work best when they are used often and started certain time afore the allergic symptoms act. Many eye drops contain cromoglicate, which works by hindering the cells responses that during an allergic reaction release the histamine, and can be a convenient substitute to anti-histamine in allergic reactions prevention.

How to use

  • It can be at ease to manage eye drops by laying your child down and quietly drawing down their lower lid.
  • Younger children might need wrapping, for example, in a towel, to evade them stirring, and then place them on your lap.
  • Adult children seldom like to sit in a chair while the drops are administered as they lean rear and look up.
  • Your child will indeed blink as an impulse and can then find the drops firstly painful adding one drop gradually into the eye.
  • Follow directions such as washing hands before administration or else you probably will be adding more irritants and infections.


Specialist treatment that targets to alter the immune system, so that it no longer responds to allergens as a hazard, plus thus will not takeoff an attack against them triggering the allergy symptoms, that are typically seen is Immunotherapy.

The most common immunotherapy treatment type, and comprises giving an injection to the patient having the allergen to which they are sensitized is subcutaneous immunotherapy. Over the treatment progression, increasing allergen amounts can be given till the patient extents a point at which they no longer experience allergy symptoms to that substance.

In turn, the result may be that symptoms turn out to be less severe or the patient requires less medication.

Yet, subcutaneous immunotherapy, during treatment, can have a high danger of causing severe allergic reactions. For this cause, it is very vital that this treatment is only given in a measured medical environment by an allergy specialist.

A newer, sublingual immunotherapy is being used, with children who have airborne allergies. A typical option of this treatment includes an allergen dose given as a tablet or spray below the tongue, which is amplified over time. There is a peril of certain mild allergic reactions, nonetheless these normally vanish over time, and on the whole, the treatment has shown to be positive in reducing the symptoms severity and letting patients to take less medication to allergy control.

Good Practice

  • Some eye drops are accessible for children’s use aged five years and over, still you should talk to your prescribing doctor about child aptness.


It is vital to know the emotive strain that rhinitis places on children and that they know that they are braced. The rhinitis symptoms can repeatedly be ignored by those around the sufferers, and it is mainly useful if children can feel that their peers recognize their symptoms and the influence that they can have on their lives.

When giving eye drops to young children, it can be useful to have something with which you can amuse the child once the eye drops have been given.

Self Help

  • Wash your child’s face and hair if they have been playing outdoors.
  • Keeping windows closed particularly in the morning and early evening.
  • Your child should take prescribed anti-histamines habitually even if they appear symptom free.
  • It can be prickly if your child has a sore nose and you want to smear a nasal spray. To get your child to co-operate with their treatment you could try diversion methods.
  • Boost the child to wear sunglasses.
  • Stay inside as far as probable.
  • Consider as well of indoor allergens, i.e. house dust mite and molds, and to lessen rhinitis symptoms, monitor the evading methods.
  • Eye wash solutions (e.g. Optrex), can aid to lessen the eyes irritation for allergic rhinitis sufferers.

Is it Allergic Rhinitis or common cold?

Allergic rhinitis is initiated by allergens, where as a cold is affected by germs. Equally these hitches can make you sneeze, and make your nose run and feel congested and itchy. Nonetheless there are some marks that can aid to tell the changes.

It is most likely allergic rhinitis if:

  • You do not have fever as well as body pain.
  • The nose mucus is clear and runny, not yellow or green and thick.
  • Before the sneezing attack stops you sneeze many times.
  • Your nose, ear or throat senses irritated.
  • Your eyes water a lot.
  • These difficulties stay extended than a distinctive cold.

The connection between allergic rhinitis and asthma:

Convening to allergy and asthma experts, asthma control might mean allergic rhinitis control in some patients. Allergic rhinitis is a common problem that may be linked with asthma.