
  • Most people learn to identify their allergy triggers; they also study how to avoid them.
  • An allergy specialist (allergist) may be able to aid you detect your triggers. Some unlike allergy type tests are used to recognize triggers.
  • The most commonly used and the most useful is skin testing. There are a number of diverse methods, but all include skin exposure to small amounts of several substances and detecting the reactions over time.
  • Blood tests (RAST) normally identify IgE antibodies to precise antigens.
  • Other tests include certain allergens elimination from your environment and then reinstating them to see if a reaction happens.
  • People with a serious or anaphylactic reactions history may be prescribed an auto-injector, at times called a bee-sting kit. This holds a premeasured epinephrine (EpiPen is one brand name) dose. You bring this with you and inject yourself with medication instantly if you are substance exposed, that causes you to have a severe allergic reaction.